Water Ozonator

Ozonated Water

It has been shown in scientific experiments that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of oxygen in the blood and the ability of cancer to spread. In other words, the more oxygen, the less your cancer is able to spread.
However, the oxygen we breathe, which is O2, is not what the body needs to stop the spread of cancer. What is needed is oxygen singlets (i.e. O1). The best way to get oxygen singlets into the blood is to get ozone (O3) into the blood, which then breaks down into O2 and O1, the critical oxygen singlet.
One of the simplest and least expensive ways to get ozone (i.e. oxygen singlets) into the bloodstream is to ozonate ice cold purified or spring water (NO tap water). The colder the water is, the more ozone the water can hold and the longer it can hold it.
Here is a complete list of the major benefits of ozonated water:
1) It purifies the blood of some microbes and in several other ways,
2) It is a superb detoxification method,
3) It does kill some cancer cells (but it is probably not strong enough to be a treatment),
4) It can stop the spreading of cancer (the main benefit),
5) It may provide energy,
6) It can help the immune system by providing it oxygen singlets.
Biological Benefits
Ozonated water has a clean, fresh taste. This type of water has been shown in a number of scientific studies to kill bacteria and viruses. It has proven effective in killing E. coli, yeast, salmonella and listeria.
Physical Benefits
Drinking ozonated water increases energy level. It speeds extra oxygen into the body. But the effectiveness of ozonated water is not limited to drinking. Bathing in ozonated water is great therapy for skin disorders. It can be used to treat muscle soreness, spinal and back injuries and neck stiffness. These baths can be incorporated into a healing or wellness plan as directed by a physician.
Medical Benefits
Due to its disinfecting properties, ozonated water is used during surgeries to keep opened areas sterile. It also is used as a supplemental treatment of cancer. Research has shown that the introduction of the third oxygen cell can aid the body's immune system in containing the existing cancer cells, thus preventing the spread of cancer to uninfected areas of the body. Though this is not potent enough a therapy to be used alone, ozonated water has been shown to kill small numbers of cancer cells in patients.